Care Services

Going The Extra Mile For Our Veterans

We offer a wide variety of, largely complimentary, care services to our residents as we look to increase their overall quality of life and improve wellbeing.

Physiotherapy services at Broughton House Veteran Care Village


With great thanks to Booths’ Charities, we provide our residents with a full inhouse physiotherapy service at no extra cost.
Physiotherapist, David Jacobs, visits our home three times a week to support our veterans and help them to work to maintain their mobility and strength.
Physiotherapy has a number of proven benefits, including: pain reduction, building strength and allowing residents to maintain their independence.


In co-ordination with Shapemaster and the Peter Harrison Foundation, we have introduced a purpose-built gym into our new redevelopment. The gym is of no extra cost to our residents and is a safe space to keep fit and active.
The gym features a chest and legs machine; which helps with cardiorespiratory and neurological conditions, a cross cycle; that improves leg strength and upper limb mobility, and a rotary torso machine; helping with hip movement and flexibility. All three machines have accessories which make access easier for residents who are transferring from a wheelchair or hoisting equipment.
The Gym care service
Health and Beauty Services

Hair & Beauty

Broughton House residents are welcome to receive hair & beauty treatments from our inhouse salon at a small additional cost. Thanks to generous monthly donations of hair & beauty products, from L’Oréal (both male and female), we are able to provide our residents with a luxurious experience, from a professional stylist, in the comfort of their own home.


Broughton House has a varied activities programme that focuses on maintaining residents wellbeing and to keep them as an active part of the Broughton House community.
Regular activities include: weekly shopping trips, wine & cheese club, gardening, bingo and live musical performances amongst other things. Every month, the activities team create a new schedule to keep our activities fresh and exciting for our residents to enjoy. You can view the latest activity schedule here.
Our residents are often also invited to military association dinners and sports events, whilst also receiving special visits from VIP guests such as the Salford Red Devils.
Activities care home services


Again, with special thanks to Booths’ Charities, Broughton House is also able to provide residents with monthly chiropody treatments from the Greater Manchester Footcare team. The team carefully assess each resident and create personal care plans, which are reviewed on every visit.
As well as relieving pain and providing treatment to keep your feet healthy, chiropodists can provide valuable insights to detect future problems that may turn out to be life-changing if left untreated. This service is invaluable to our residents as it becomes more and more difficult with age to provide self-care to their own feet.